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UK to open citizenship path to Hong Kongers from Jan. 2021, following China's new national ...
UK to open citizenship path to Hong Kongers from January
BNO visa is open to Hong Kong Citizens from January 2021 | VISXA | Immigration Made Easy
UK says Hong Kong offer upholds ‘freedom and autonomy’
UK Announces New Visa Route For Hong Kong British Nationals
Hong Kong residents can take up UK citizenship offer from January 2021
Hong Kongers comment on UK's offer of citizenship rights | AFP
China hits back at London over citizenship offer for Hong Kong residents
New UK Immigration Route: Hong Kong British National (Overseas) Visa
China blocks UK’s offer of citizenship to Hong Kong residents
NEW BNO Passport Path For Hong Kong To UK Citizenship - UPDATE 2020
UK unveils details of citizenship offer for Hongkongers with BN(O) passport holders